The next CTCBA Networking Event on a double decker boat at Lady Bird Lake! 

CTCBA is thrilled to host a unique networking event on aboard a double-decker boat at Lady Bird Lake in downtown Austin!  Take advantage of this opportunity to engage with other local HR professionals passionate about Total Rewards and Compensation. The event is scheduled for Thursday, June 20, 2024, from 6pm-8pm.

Our active Board of Directors are committed to bringing you opportunities to network and enjoy lunch and learn educational events which are HRCI, SHRM and WatW approved for PDCs.  Check our events tab to register now!

This event is sponsored by


CTCBA, Central Texas Compensation and Benefits Association, was created with the purpose of helping its members learn and share compensation and benefits expertise.  CTCBA is also committed to promoting the professional practice of total rewards management in order to attract, retain and motivate employees.

Our events are focused on compensation, upcoming legislation, and Total Rewards.  Our primary goal is to provide an opportunity to network with like-minded professionals. Our mission is to identify and share innovative ideas that can be used as valuable takeaways to implement in your own organization.  

CTCBA educational events are in-person every other month. Our events are HRCI, SHRM and WatW approved for PDCs. If you are looking for an opportunity to grow your network and expand your knowledge about Total Rewards, Compensation and Benefits consider joining. We offer four membership levels at affordable costs.

In addition, CTCBA partners with other HR organizations to bring you networking events more educational opportunities including Texas Total Rewards other events to help bring you more value.


CTCBA is also proud to be a WorldatWork affliate. 

Each year, WatW recognizes affiliates in the following achievements: Advancing HR and Total Rewards, Community Involvement, Member Engagement and Growth, and Professional Development of its Members.

 CTCBA members can receive discounts to WorldatWork conferences, CPP, CBP certification courses, advanced Excel trainings, webinars and more.


Our First 2024 Event - Recruitment of Multi-Generation Workforce

The first event of the year is in the books! Thank you to our speakers and attendees.  The presentation on multigenerational workforces provided insightful strategies for fostering collaboration and understanding among employees of different age groups. By addressing intergenerational conflicts, promoting effective communication, and highlighting the importance of leadership adaptability, the presentation offered practical insights for maximizing the potential of multigenerational teams in modern workplaces.

A special thank you to the following companies for sponsoring our events!



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